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3:16: The Numbers of Hope

Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $23.99.

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SKU: ASZI838451 Category:

*Now with brand-new content added, one of Max Lucados all-time bestselling books isupdated for a new generation!*

Sometimes life appears to fall to pieces and can seem irreparable. Weve all had our fair share of disappointments, loss, or hardships. But for every challenge there is a breathtaking promise: Its going to be okay. How can we know? Because God so loved the world.

In 3:16, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado encourages us to study closely the Hope Diamond of the Bible: John 3:16.

Max says of his favorite verse, Every time I recall these words, they are fresh and as stunning as my first encounter with them. The mind-bending awareness of Gods limitless love, his incalculable sacrifice, and the priceless teaching at the core. How can we not review it again and again? I want this generation, and all who come after, to look closely at the key promise of God and choose the gift beyond all gifts.

Throughout this updated and expanded edition of 3:16, Max will invite you to:

  • Stand in awe of how deep, wide, long, and high Gods love is for you
  • Understand more fully the living hope you have through Jesus death and resurrection
  • Rest in the assurance that salvation is a gift from God, not something you can earn

If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. John 3:16 invites you to know Gods love deeply and intimately. And once you accept Gods love, your life will never be the same.

If you know everything in the Bible, return here. Let John 3:16 become the banner of your life, so much so that the message of Gods unending and unbending love overflows from you to others.

Each copy of 3:16 also includes a 40-day devotional designed to help you draw closer to your loving Savior.


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